As part of the Phase 5.7 release, Hire2Retire now offers SAP Successfactors to IdP integration options through the SAP SuccessFactors API.
One of the biggest new features introduced in the Hire2Retire Phase 5.7 release is support for SAP SuccessFactors API-based Integrations, allowing users to synchronize employee lifecycle between SAP SuccessFactors and Active Directory (AD) or other identity providers. Where previously SAP SuccessFactors integrations in Hire2Retire only used the traditional file extract method to acquire and define HR employee data, the API solution supports a delta file extract in addition to the full extract option.
Using the API solution to integrate SAP SuccessFactors with Hire2Retire has multiple benefits that increase the scope of Hire2Retire’s employee lifecycle automation. The API solution allows Hire2Retire to schedule regular data extracts either daily or at specific intervals, enabling you to customize the data extract process to fit your exact employee lifecycle management and identity automation needs. In addition, Hire2Retire can monitor these file extracts and automatically report any errors that occur in the file extract process, ensuring a smooth, efficient workflow that can manage itself. The API solution also enables Hire2Retire to write back business emails to SAP SuccessFactors, enabling a two-way data flow that further eliminates the manual burden placed on Sysadmins.
Hire2Retire synchronizes employee profiles between SuccessFactors and AD, Azure AD, Okta Directory, or Google Workspace, reflecting employee hires, role changes, and terminations in near real-time. Free your IT team from manually creating user identity accounts and assigning access and privileges, avoid human errors, delays, and security risks, and streamline your employee lifecycle and identity provisioning to provide a superior “First Day at Work” experience.
To see the other new features and improvements that have landed in the Phase 5.7 release, read the Phase 5.7 release notes.
RoboMQ is a leading SaaS company that solves critical Business Process Automation problems and improves operational effectiveness by application of API and data integration technologies combined with intuitive, modern, and humanized UX, workflows, and advanced algorithms.
Cameron Macaulay is a Marketing Associate with RoboMQ. Cameron graduated from Syracuse University with a major in Broadcast & Digital Journalism, and a minor in Professional & Technical Writing. Cameron combines his skills in technical writing with a passion for storytelling.
Cameron Macaulay is a Marketing Associate with RoboMQ. Cameron graduated from Syracuse University with a major in Broadcast & Digital Journalism, and a minor in Professional & Technical Writing. Cameron combines his skills in technical writing with a passion for storytelling.
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