Use AI Insights to Automatically Assign Group Memberships with Hire2Retire
As part of the Phase 6.1 release, Hire2Retire has added a machine learning feature that can automatically assign group memberships based on AI Insights.
At RoboMQ, we’ve been working diligently to ensure Hire2Retire remains the best solution for automating employee lifecycle management, and we have taken another step forward with the release of Hire2Retire Phase 6.1. Let’s take a look at some of the new features that have been added:
As part of the Phase 6.1 release, Hire2Retire has added a machine learning feature that can automatically assign group memberships based on AI Insights.
As part of the Phase 6.1 release, Hire2Retire has added a machine learning feature that can automatically assign group memberships based on AI Insights.
As part of the Phase 6.1 release, Hire2Retire now offers API integration solutions for UKG Pro, Paylocity, and Workday.
As part of the Phase 6.1 release, Hire2Retire now offers API integration solutions for UKG Pro, Paylocity, and Workday.
As part of the Phase 6.1 release, Hire2Retire now supports integrations between HiBob and AD, Azure AD, and/or Google Directory to automate employee lifecycle management.
As part of the Phase 6.1 release, Hire2Retire now supports integrations between HiBob and AD, Azure AD, and/or Google Directory to automate employee lifecycle management.
Hire2Retire now supports integrations with ADP Recruitment as an ATS, allowing you to pre-board including managing employee profiles into ADP before their start date and empower employees with the right system access before their first day.
Hire2Retire now supports seamless integrations with SolarWinds for ITSM.
To dive deeper into all the changes and bug fixes that have arrived in the 6.1 release, view the full Hire2Retire Phase 6.1 release notes.
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