See How Hire2Retire Can Drive Success for Your Organization |21st Feb 2025|
Integrate Dynamics 365 CRM to AWS S3 and OracleDB Without Coding!
Recognized as an Emerging iPaaS and Hybrid Integration Platform (HIP) Provider by Gartner, Forrester, and MarketsAndMarkets

Create This Integration in Minutes!

Your CRM data helps you generate insights and make better decisions. But the CRM storage can be costly, especially if you’re dealing with large amounts of data.

However, with this integration, you can automatically store the CRM data from Dynamics 365 in AWS S3 buckets or OracleDB, saving the storage license cost and making the data accessible across various business functions of your organization. Also, with appropriate filters, you can selectively store the data.

Create this integration in minutes without coding with your free trial of Connect iPaaS.

  • Make CRM data accessible to Non-CRM users

  • Reduce your data storage cost

  • Share selective CRM data with the organization

  • And much more!

See it in Action!

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