See How Hire2Retire Can Drive Success for Your Organization |21st March 2025|

Jen’s Perfect First Day at Work with Hire2Retire

Panorama of a city plaza at sunset.
It’s 8:00 AM on a cloudy Monday morning. As you board the train headed into the big city, you stop for a second to take in the moment. Today is your first day of work, and you only get one chance to make a first impression. As you take your seat, you reflect on the years of effort you put in to get this job, but when the train leaves the station a wave of anxiety hits you.
“I hope this is not like the last first day I had,” you mutter to yourself. At your last job, it took a week for the admins to enter you into the system and give you access to tools and applications. You had to convince the receptionist that you actually worked there to get into the office and spent that first day stuck at your desk with nothing to do. The inefficient process set you back for weeks, and will this new job be as patient with you?
The city begins to come into view outside your window. You open your laptop and pull up Outlook. Your new company uses the Hire2Retire employee lifecycle management and identity provisioning system from RoboMQ, so your new work email has already been set up. You see a message from your boss asking you to stop by their office so they can greet you in person. You know your first meeting will be at eleven, and you can see the profile pictures of your soon-to-be coworkers. The train reaches your stop, half a block away from your new office.
“Today is going to be different,” you say as you walk out of the train. When you get to the office the main receptionist greets you with a smile and looks you up on the company’s address list. They point to the elevator and let you know your office is to the right on the 15th floor. As you are getting things set up at your new desk you start to wonder who to talk to first, but before you can finish the thought you hear someone call out your name.
“Hey, you are Jen, right?” You recognize the face from the global address list; it’s Jessica, one of the UX designers on your new team. You greet Jessica as though you have known her for months. She offers to take you around and introduce you to the rest of the team before your first meeting. You look out the window towards the bustling city below and can already tell the work you put in to get here is going to pay off.
“This was definitely not like the first day I had at my last job,” you tell Jessica as you head towards the kitchen to grab some coffee.
“All our new hires have said that since we chose to use Hire2Retire,” she replies. Thanks to RoboMQ’s automation, this has been the perfect first day at work with Hire2Retire you’ve ever had.
Picture of Cameron Macaulay

Cameron Macaulay

Cameron Macaulay is a Marketing Associate with RoboMQ. Cameron graduated from Syracuse University with a major in Broadcast & Digital Journalism, and a minor in Professional & Technical Writing. Cameron combines his skills in technical writing with a passion for storytelling.

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