See How Hire2Retire Can Drive Success for Your Organization |9th May 2025|

What’s New in Hire2Retire Phase 4.7

At RoboMQ, we’ve been working diligently to ensure Hire2Retire remains the best solution for automating employee lifecycle management, and we have taken another step forward with the release of Hire2Retire Phase 4.7.

Let’s take a look at some of the new features that have been implemented:

New Feature

Impersonate Users to Manage Workflows

A GIF of impersonating users to manage workflows in Hire2Retire.

Manage your Hire2Retire workflows across your users with one or more admin accounts. Admin accounts get access and the ability to manage, monitor, and control workflows across the organization.

New Feature

Share Workflows as Recipes

a GIF of sharing workflows as recipes in Hire2Retire.

Built the perfect automation workflow? Now you can save and share workflows across multiple accounts to increase collaboration, boost efficiency, and segregate UAT, test, and production workloads.

New Feature

Workflow Versions and Restore

a GIF of restoring older versions of a Hire2Retire workflow.
Hire2Retire now saves previously deployed workflows automatically, allowing you to recover and restore the last known good-state workflows, check on existing settings, or restore previous versions of workflows.

Why Were These Features Implemented?

"We heard from our customers the need to be able to manage, monitor and control workflows at the organization level vs. at the user or designer level. We also heard the need for the ability to share and to promote workflow from one account to another so that customers can segregate testing, UAT and production workloads in line with their change management processes. Release 4.7 offers exactly these key enhancements in addition to other improvements."

Other Features and Improvements in Hire2Retire Phase 4.7

Hire2Retire now has five new format options to address duplicate usernames.

Hire2Retire will now detect unsaved changes and remind users to save them before moving to the next design step.

Hire2Retire now has more detailed error reports for issues when creating or updating employee profiles in AD or Azure AD

To dive deeper into all the changes and bug fixes that have arrived in the 4.7 release, view the full Hire2Retire Phase 4.7 release notes.

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